How do I place an order on SuperDeli ?
To place an online order at Super Deli, simply click on the Sign in or Register button on the upper right-hand side of the homepage. If you are a new user, you will be asked to enter your location, in order to view the latest and most accurate stocks of all our products, as well as the next available delivery slot. Then comes the fun part – start browsing our delicious products or enter the products you are looking for in our search box. When you find what you want, select the quantity and click on the Add to Cart button. Once, you’ve finished shopping, go to Checkout. Here you will be able to view your order, add/edit your delivery address and payment information. After you’ve completed the checkout, we’ll send you an email confirming your order.
Also you can place an order by contacting the customer service team on 00201210765555 from 09:00 am to 10:00 pm Daily